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Aj/: I have a question
Syd: Welcome to HP Total Care for Pavilion Notebooks. My name is Syd. How may I assist you today?
Syd: Sure,please go ahead.
Aj/: how much memory service tag dv6205us should have
Aj/: can you check that for me
Syd: Could you please elaborate the issue?
Aj/: I bought the dv6000 with vista and it runs slower than a dead turtle trying to cross the road, is this normal, how much memory should it have come with?????
Syd: Thank you for the details.
Syd: Let me help you in this regard.
Aj/: when i bought my laptop, I thought it was 1 gig, when I check it's only 512, can you check the service tag, dv6205us
Syd: Sure.
Syd: Could you please give me few minutes while I pull up the information?
Aj/: yes
Syd: Thank you.
Syd: Thank you for your time and patience.
Syd: Aj/, I have checked the details for you.
Syd: The notebook is shipped with 512MB RAM.
Aj/: thank you
Syd: You can upgrade
Syd: the RAM to a maximum of 2GB.
Aj/: how do I do that ?
Syd: Let me help you with this.
Aj/: can you do it remotly ?
Syd: Aj/,the RAm are modules that are located inside the notebook and have to removed and erseated manually.
Syd: *reseated.
Aj/: can I buy a 1.5 MG RAM ?
Syd: Yes you can buy two 1 GB RAM slots and install it in the notebook
Syd: so that the notebook will have 2 GB RAM.
Aj/: what do I do with the 512 that I currently have
Syd: You can use it as a spare when any of the module fails.
Aj/: how often do they fail ?
Syd: HP recommends to use the RAM modules from HP as they are specifically made for HP notebooks and are tested and made available.
Aj/: do you have a weblink
Syd: If you are interested in buying it, I can arrange a call for you.
Syd: A 1 GB RAM module will cost $179.
Aj/: I am not ready to purchase yet, just thought I would see if you had a link I could reference when I have more time.
Syd: Sure.
Syd: Here is the link for the site.
Syd: Aj/, I would also like to provide you another option in this regard.
Syd: Vista has a new feature which uses a a flah drive as a RAM.So you can use as big as 4 GB drive as a RAM.
Syd: This will be more economical than purchasing the memory modules.
Aj/: Thank You for your assistance
Syd: You are welcome.
Syd: I would lalso
Syd: like to provide you the link
Syd: which will help you increase the systems performance
Syd: Iam also providing you the link which will help you increase the system's performance:
Syd: Please do not click on the link. Instead Copy and paste the entire link onto the address bar of your browser and press Enter.